In our multi-generational, diverse community of faith, we try to walk in the way of Jesus Christ. We engage in ministries that are joyful and life-giving as we live into the abundant life through the transforming power of the Holy Spirit..
Welcoming and Hospitality
- Welcoming all ages, races, diverse abilities, economic conditions, life orientations.
- Celebrating and respecting differences within the Body of Christ.
- Embracing all with the love of God in our own community and beyond our walls.
- Worship and praise in thanksgiving to God in all aspects of our life and work, based on the traditions of the United Church of Canada.
- Keeping the sabbath
- Refer to our worship page.
Faith formation, Christian education and spiritual nurture
- Sunday School for children
- Adult Study groups
- Sunday Worship
- Scripture reading
- Prayer
- Lunch and Learn during Sunday fellowship time
- Spiritual growth
Pastoral Care
- Loving care by the grace of God.
- Support and encouragement at all stages of the journey.
- Keeping in touch especially with our seniors.
- Visits to the sick and hospitalized.
- Prayer list
- Support to newcomers and people with special needs in the community.
- The Minister responds to pastoral concerns and needs with assistance of individuals of the Body of Christ as appropriate.
- Weddings and memorials at significant transition points of life.
- Sunday Café Fellowship
- Newcomers as needed
- Youth and young adults as needed
- Seasonal special events
- Others as needs arise and evolve
Neighbour to Neighbour - Service and Outreach
- Mission and Service Fund
- Foster Children Plan
- First United Church Mission
- Christmas Hamper Fund
- Collection of used eye glasses, stamps and Campbell soup labels for worthwhile causes
Connecting with our Community – Making a difference
- Supporting and participating in community events as appropriate.
Administration and Governance
- Spiritual leadership
- Faithful stewardship of our resources